Maintain your flock’s integral health using Lucerne to provide a high fibre diet. Modern hens need a high fibre diet. The feed diet of a hen consists mainly of protein and energetic nutrients. Due to various factors such as stress, disease pressure and high production, there may be a need for raw fibre and fibre in the ration for laying hens.
Free range and barn layers parent stock, pullet and broilers.
SHop LucerneGalvanized steel spike for easy hanging of Lucerne bales. Complete with clamp and nut.
Lucerne is fibre rich and helps to optimise the intestinal tract. In addition, Lucerne has a positive effect on the quality of the litter and it provides the birds with stimulation helping to prevent feather pecking.
Lucerne is fibre rich and helps to optimise the intestinal tract. In addition, Lucerne has a positive effect on the quality of the litter and it provides the birds with stimulation helping to prevent feather pecking.
Lucerne is fibre rich and helps to optimise the intestinal tract. In addition, Lucerne has a positive effect on the quality of the litter and it provides the birds with stimulation helping to prevent feather pecking.
Lucerne is fibre rich and helps to optimise the intestinal tract. In addition, Lucerne has a positive effect on the quality of the litter and it provides the birds with stimulation helping to prevent feather pecking.
The fibres of lucerne stimulate the action of the stomach and intestines and promote overall resistance and vitality. The risk of common problems such as inflammation of the bowel and feather pecking is greatly reduced.
The Lucerne is cut into lengths of between 5 to 10cm. It is then compacted into approximately 20kg bales.
There are 48 bales per pallet, however for orders that are collected we can sell individual bales.
For any more information please contact us using the form below.